Atlas Orthogonal (SCALE—Stereotactic Cervical ALignment methods) is a spinal healthcare program developed by Dr. Roy Sweat in the late 1960’s based on scientific and biomechanical procedures. Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic is Dr. Gallagher’s area of chiropractic specialization. Being one of only six hundred or so doctors board-certified in this unique practice worldwide, Dr. Gallagher is literally one of the world’s leading Atlas Orthogonal practitioners. Schedule an appointment today, and discover what makes the practice of Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic different from traditional chiropractic and how Dr. Gallagher’s 17 plus years of Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic experience can help you. Read more about this therapy, used by your local Goldsboro chiropractor, below.
Dr. Sweat is considered by many to be one of the world’s foremost authorities on the cervical spine. After years of extensive research, he developed a non-invasive, precision instrument to restore structural integrity from cervical vertebral malposition. The percussion instrument achieves postural restoration without manipulation or surgery. This precision treatment reduces cervical spine misalignment and its related symptomatology.
Dr. Gallagher began using the AO procedure in 2000. It was the unique results with some truly hard cases that inspired Dr. Gallagher to author a book titled, “Is Your Head On Straight?“. Dr. Sweat (the founder of Atlas Orthogonal) has even written a foreword to the book.
This technique uses a percussion wave force to correct the misalignment at the brain stem area. In light of this procedure’s exactness and light force, we find it is a great tool to help patients who have had a traumatic brain injury.
Learn more about the unique practice of Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic in this video:
So what does an Atlas Orthogonal chiropractic adjustment look like and how does it differ from any other chiropractic adjustment you’ve ever had? Find out in this video: